About Us

CrowdEngine was founded in 2014 and has helped over 300 customers to date. Our proprietary Compliance Engine® technology enables our clients to launch their own funding websites that support all offering types in the U.S. including Reg. D, Reg. S, Reg. A+, Reg. CF, and most new intrastate regulations.
Our turnkey white-label technology increases speed to market, reduces costs, increases security and compliance, and delights customers across nearly every industry – financial services, technology, real estate, and blockchain.
Our team has a diverse background in technology, startups, and online marketing. Our mission is to make raising capital easy and affordable. We built the software and maintain the infrastructure so you can launch a state of the art portal faster and cheaper than building anything yourself.


We pride ourselves in having the best work environment possible. We work hard, but we have fun too!

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